Membership Platinum – Caricature Lecture

THB 1,176


  • • Access to every topic in the Premium plan.
  • • Enjoy a 10-20% discount on commissioned artwork.
  • • Join live hour-long Q&A sessions for personalized guidance.
  • • Be the first to access any new brushes I create.
  • • Gain an insider's perspective with exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Content.
  • • Avail special discounts for downloading files outside the Caricature Lecture category.
  • • Enjoy the convenience of digital downloads.
  • • Receive a custom drawing on your birthday.


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Enable Expiration

Enabling the option for Expiration, you will be able to set the exact expiration date and time after which the specific drip content will get hidden.

Hide After

Suppose, if you have set the Drip content to be displayed after 10 Days at 01:00, and set the Expiration after 2 Days at 01:00, then after purchasing a membership plan or after a new post is published or modified, the member will be able to view the Drip Content exactly after 10 Days at 01:00.

After that, as the expiration is set to 2 Days at 01:00, so, after accessing the Drip content which is displayed after 10 Days at 01:00, the drip content will get hidden exactly after the 2 days at 01:00 after it is displayed.

So members will be able to view the content after 10 Days of subscription and then the Content will get hidden exactly 2 Days at 01:00 after the access.